Design Converter
Last updated on Jan 4, 2024
Last updated on Dec 21, 2023
Material UI (MUI) has become an indispensable tool in the arsenal of React developers. It is a popular React UI framework offering pre-designed components, following Google's Material Design principles. These components are visually appealing and highly customizable, making them a go-to choice for developers looking to create intuitive and consistent user interfaces (UI) with minimal effort.
The framework's extensive component library includes various UI elements, such as buttons, cards, and dialog boxes, which can be easily integrated into React applications. One of the most frequently used components is the TextField, which allows users to enter and edit text within a form. The TextField component is a complete form control, including a label, input, and helper text, making it a versatile element for gathering user input.
Material UI's emphasis on responsive design and accessibility ensures that applications built with its components are aesthetically pleasing and functional across different devices and assistive technologies. This focus on user experience (UX) is crucial in modern web development, where diverse user needs and device capabilities must be accommodated.
In this blog, we will delve into the TextField component, exploring its various features and demonstrating how to implement it effectively in a React application. By understanding the capabilities of the TextField component, developers can enhance the form functionality of their applications, leading to improved user satisfaction and engagement.
The TextField component in Material UI is a versatile element that creates input fields where users can enter text. It is designed to be a complete form control, including a label, input, and helper text, which provides context and guidance to the user. This component is essential for forms, as it allows for collecting user input, a fundamental aspect of user interaction within web applications.
In Material UI, the TextField component is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor its appearance and behavior to suit the needs of their application. It supports various text types, such as password fields, numeric inputs, and multiline text areas, making it a flexible choice for different data entry requirements.
TextFields play a critical role in user input collection, as they are the primary means users communicate information to the application. Whether signing up for an account, filling out a survey, or entering search queries, TextFields are typically present in forms across the web.
Material UI's TextField component ensures that these interactions are functional and user-friendly. By providing clear labels, helpful guidance through helper text, and immediate feedback on input errors, TextFields help to create a seamless experience for users as they enter and edit text.
Material UI offers three variants of the TextField component: filled, outlined, and standard. Each variant provides a different visual style, allowing developers to choose the one that best fits the design language of their application.
These variants can be easily switched by setting the variant prop on the TextField component, demonstrating the flexibility of Material UI in adapting to different design requirements.
A complete form control in Material UI consists of several key elements that work together to provide a cohesive user experience. The TextField component encapsulates these elements, which include:
By combining these elements, the TextField component creates a user-friendly interface that encourages accurate and efficient data entry.
Implementing a basic TextField in a React application is straightforward with Material UI. First, ensure that you have the Material UI core library installed in your project. Then, you can import the TextField component and use it within your React components like so:
1import React from 'react'; 2import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; 3 4function MyForm() { 5 return ( 6 <form noValidate autoComplete="off"> 7 <TextField 8 id="standard-basic" 9 label="Enter your name" 10 variant="standard" 11 /> 12 </form> 13 ); 14} 15 16export default MyForm; 17
To enhance the user experience, Material UI allows developers to customize the TextField wrapper component. This customization can include altering the vertical spacing, changing the color scheme, or adjusting the size to fit the application's design. By utilizing the style or className props, developers can apply custom CSS to the TextField component, ensuring that the input fields align with the overall UI of the application.
Helper text is a critical feature of the TextField component in Material UI. It provides users additional information about the input required, such as formatting rules or usage tips. To add helper text, the helperText prop can be used:
1<TextField 2 id="outlined-helperText" 3 label="Username" 4 defaultValue="User123" 5 helperText="Please enter a unique username." 6 variant="outlined" 7/> 8
This helper text will typically appear below the input field and display error messages when input validation fails.
Labels are not just visual cues; they are essential for accessibility, ensuring that all users, including those using assistive technologies like screen readers, can understand the purpose of each input field. Material UI's TextField component automatically associates labels with input fields using the id and aria-labelledby attributes, which is crucial for creating accessible web forms.
Material UI provides a wide range of styling options for TextFields, allowing developers to create a unique look and feel for their forms. The color, size, and margin props are just a few examples of how the appearance of a TextField can be customized. Additionally, developers can use the sx prop to apply multiple styles inline, offering a powerful way to dynamically adjust the TextField's design.
A common use case for the TextField component is creating a password field. This can be done by setting the type prop to password, ensuring the input text is obscured for security purposes. Here's an example:
1<TextField 2 id="standard-password-input" 3 label="Password" 4 type="password" 5 autoComplete="current-password" 6/> 7
This mui password field will hide the entered text, allowing users to enter sensitive information confidently.
When implementing a password field using Material UI's TextField component, it's important to consider security best practices. This includes setting the autoComplete attribute to current-password to prevent browsers from caching sensitive information and using proper validation to enforce strong password policies.
In React, a controlled component is one where the state handles the form data within the component. Material UI's TextField can be used as a controlled component by managing the value prop and handling changes with the onChange event:
1const [value, setValue] = React.useState(''); 2 3const handleChange = (event) => { 4 setValue(; 5}; 6 7<TextField 8 id="controlled-text-field" 9 label="Controlled Input" 10 value={value} 11 onChange={handleChange} 12/> 13
This approach gives developers complete control over the form data and allows for real-time validation and feedback.
For inputs requiring more extensive text, such as comments or messages, the multiline prop can transform the TextField into a multi line text field. This is achieved by setting the multiline prop to true and optionally specifying the number of rows with the rows prop:
1<TextField 2 id="multiline-text-field" 3 label="Comment" 4 multiline 5 rows={4} 6 defaultValue="Type your message here" 7/> 8
This creates a textarea element within the TextField, allowing users to enter and edit text over multiple lines.
Floating labels provide a dynamic labeling option where the label moves to the top of the TextField when the user begins to enter text. This feature is available in Material UI by default and can be enhanced by using the InputLabelProps prop to customize the label's behavior and style further.
Error handling is a vital aspect of form control. Material UI's TextField component allows developers to display error messages by using the error prop. When set to true, the TextField's appearance changes to indicate an error state, and any helper text provided will be displayed in an error color:
1<TextField 2 error 3 id="error-text-field" 4 label="Error" 5 defaultValue="Hello World" 6 helperText="Incorrect entry." 7/> 8
In responsive design, input fields must often adjust their width to the available screen space. Material UI's TextField component offers the fullWidth prop, which can be set to true to make the TextField span the full width of its container. This is particularly useful in mobile-first designs or when the TextField needs to be prominently displayed:
1<TextField 2 fullWidth 3 label="Full Width" 4 id="fullWidth-textfield" 5 helperText="This TextField takes up the full width of its container." 6/> 7
This ensures that the TextField adapts to different screen sizes, providing a consistent experience across devices.
Setting a default value for a TextField can improve the user experience by providing an example or a starting point for input. In Material UI, the defaultValue prop is used to set an initial value for the TextField that is not controlled by the component's state:
1<TextField 2 id="default-value-textfield" 3 label="Default Value" 4 defaultValue="Enter your text here" 5/> 6
This is particularly useful for forms where a typical or recommended value can be suggested to the user.
There are scenarios where a TextField should display information but not allow user editing. In such cases, the readOnly prop can be set to true:
1<TextField 2 readOnly 3 id="read-only-textfield" 4 label="Read Only" 5 defaultValue="This is read-only text" 6/> 7
This creates a read-only TextField, which is useful for displaying static information in a form that matches the style of editable fields.
Sometimes, it's necessary to prevent users from interacting with a TextField, such as when certain conditions have not been met. The disabled prop can be used to disable the TextField:
1<TextField 2 disabled 3 id="disabled-textfield" 4 label="Disabled" 5 defaultValue="Disabled text" 6/> 7
A disabled TextField is displayed in a muted color, signaling to users that it is not currently available for interaction.
Material UI's TextField component can also be used to create dropdown menus by using the select prop. When set to true, the TextField can be paired with the Select component to provide a list of options:
1import MenuItem from '@mui/material/MenuItem'; 2 3<TextField 4 id="select-textfield" 5 select 6 label="Select" 7 helperText="Please select an option" 8> 9 <MenuItem value="option1">Option 1</MenuItem> 10 <MenuItem value="option2">Option 2</MenuItem> 11 <MenuItem value="option3">Option 3</MenuItem> 12</TextField> 13
This transforms the TextField into a select field, allowing users to choose from predefined options.
The FormControl component in Material UI is a wrapper that provides context for form controls, such as TextFields, that are grouped. It can be used to manage the focus, input, and error state of a group of inputs collectively:
1import FormControl from '@mui/material/FormControl'; 2 3<FormControl> 4 <TextField 5 id="formcontrol-textfield" 6 label="FormControl" 7 helperText="Wrapped by FormControl" 8 /> 9</FormControl> 10
This is particularly useful when building complex forms where multiple input fields must be managed together.
In React, the value of a TextField can be managed using state and event handlers. An onChange event handler updates the state with the user's input to get the current value. To set the value, the value prop is used in conjunction with the component's state:
1const [textValue, setTextValue] = React.useState(''); 2 3const handleTextChange = (event) => { 4 setTextValue(; 5}; 6 7<TextField 8 id="value-textfield" 9 label="Value" 10 value={textValue} 11 onChange={handleTextChange} 12/> 13
This pattern ensures that the TextField's value is both displayed to the user and available for use within the application's logic.
Validation is a key aspect of form handling, ensuring that the data provided by the user meets certain criteria. Material UI provides visual feedback for validation by using the error and helperText props. Developers can implement custom validation logic and use these props to inform users of validation results:
1<TextField 2 error={isInputInvalid} 3 id="validation-textfield" 4 label="Email Address" 5 helperText={isInputInvalid ? "Please enter a valid email address." : ""} 6 value={email} 7 onChange={handleEmailChange} 8/> 9
This code snippet demonstrates how to display an error message when the input does not match the expected email format. The isInputInvalid variable would be a piece of state that gets updated based on the validation logic, which could check for the presence of an @ symbol and a domain in the email address provided by the user.
Material UI's TextField component allows developers to alter the vertical spacing around the input field using the margin prop. This prop accepts values such as 'none', 'dense', and 'normal', providing control over the spacing to fit the design requirements of the form:
1<TextField 2 id="margin-textfield" 3 label="Margin" 4 margin="normal" 5 helperText="Normal vertical spacing" 6/> 7
Adjusting the margin can help ensure the form elements are properly spaced for optimal readability and aesthetics.
The size prop in Material UI's TextField component offers a way to adjust the size of the input field. It typically accepts 'small' or 'medium' as values, allowing developers to choose the appropriate size for their UI:
1<TextField 2 id="size-textfield" 3 label="Size" 4 size="small" 5 helperText="A smaller TextField" 6/> 7
A smaller TextField can be useful in dense UIs or when trying to conserve space. At the same time, a medium-sized TextField might be more appropriate for forms where readability is a priority.
Material UI plays a significant role in building robust forms and dialogs in React applications. Its comprehensive suite of components, including TextFields, Buttons, and Dialogs, enables developers to create consistent and functional forms that enhance user interaction. The framework's focus on design and usability ensures that forms look good and work well across different devices and browsers.
Outlined TextFields provide a distinct visual style to help input fields stand out on a page. To create an outlined TextField in Material UI, the variant prop is set to 'outlined':
1<TextField 2 id="outlined-textfield" 3 label="Outlined" 4 variant="outlined" 5 helperText="An outlined TextField" 6/> 7
This variant is particularly useful when aiming for a high-contrast UI or differentiating input fields from other elements on the page.
Material UI provides three variants of the TextField component—standard, filled, and outlined—each with its own unique style and use case:
Developers can choose the variant that best suits their application's context and design language.
Material UI allows for deep customization of the input element within a TextField. By using the InputProps prop, developers can pass additional attributes or styles directly to the input element:
1<TextField 2 id="custom-input-textfield" 3 label="Custom Input" 4 InputProps={{ 5 step: "0.01", 6 style: { color: 'blue' } 7 }} 8/> 9
This level of customization ensures that the TextField can be tailored to meet specific functional and aesthetic requirements.
Material UI's TextField can be configured to use a textarea element by setting the multiline prop to true when dealing with multiline input. This is particularly useful for inputs such as comments or descriptions that require more space:
1<TextField 2 id="textarea-textfield" 3 label="Multiline" 4 multiline 5 rows={4} 6 defaultValue="Enter your text here" 7/> 8
By specifying the number of rows, developers can control how much of the multiline text is visible without scrolling.
The error state in Material UI's TextField component is a powerful tool for guiding users through form completion. By setting the error prop to true when validation fails, the TextField provides immediate visual feedback, indicating that the user needs to correct their input:
1<TextField 2 error={hasError} 3 id="error-state-textfield" 4 label="Error State" 5 helperText={hasError ? "Please correct the error" : "All good!" 6 } 7/> 8
This TextField will display an error message when the hasError state is true, effectively communicating to the user that their attention is needed to resolve an issue with their input.
In complex forms, managing the state and validation of multiple TextFields can become challenging. React's context API can be leveraged to streamline this process. By creating a form context, developers can pass down form state and validation functions to deeply nested TextFields, ensuring consistent state management and validation logic throughout the form:
1import { FormContext } from './FormContext'; 2 3<TextField 4 id="context-textfield" 5 label="Context" 6 value={} 7 onChange={formContext.handleChange} 8 error={} 9 helperText={ || "Enter your email"} 10/> 11
This approach allows TextFields to interact with shared form state and validation methods, reducing the need for prop drilling and making the form easier to maintain.
Dynamic forms require adding and removing TextFields based on user interaction. Material UI, combined with React's state management, makes it possible to create forms that can dynamically adjust to user input. Developers can use array state variables and map over them to render multiple TextFields, providing add and remove functionality through event handlers:
1{, index) => ( 2 <TextField 3 key={index} 4 id={`dynamic-textfield-${index}`} 5 label={`Field ${index + 1}`} 6 value={field.value} 7 onChange={(event) => handleFieldChange(index, event)} 8 /> 9))} 10
This pattern allows for a flexible form structure that can grow or shrink according to the user's needs.
Material UI's TextField components can seamlessly integrate with other React libraries, such as form management libraries like Formik or Redux Form. This integration allows developers to combine the robust UI components of Material UI with the powerful state management and validation features of these libraries, creating a comprehensive solution for form handling in React applications.
Accessibility is a key consideration in web development, and Material UI's TextFields are designed with this in mind. They include features such as ARIA labels and roles, which ensure that screen readers can accurately convey the purpose and functionality of the TextFields to users with visual impairments. By adhering to accessibility standards, Material UI helps developers create applications that are inclusive and usable by everyone.
Vertical spacing between form elements is crucial for creating a clear, easy-to-navigate form. Material UI's TextField component provides the margin prop to adjust vertical spacing, allowing developers to create forms with optimal spacing that enhances the user experience. Proper spacing helps prevent user errors and makes forms appear less cluttered, contributing to a more pleasant interaction for the user.
Creating a controlled TextField in React ensures that the form element's value is always in sync with the component's state. This predictable behavior is achieved by setting the TextField's value prop to a state variable and updating that state with an onChange handler:
1const [name, setName] = React.useState(''); 2 3<TextField 4 id="controlled-component-textfield" 5 label="Name" 6 value={name} 7 onChange={(event) => setName(} 8/> 9
This pattern provides a single source of truth for the TextField's value, making the form's behavior more predictable and easier to debug.
Material UI's TextField component is designed to be a complete form control, including a label, input, and helper text. This comprehensive approach ensures that all necessary elements for effective form control are present, providing users with the information and guidance they need to complete the form accurately:
1<TextField 2 id="complete-form-control-textfield" 3 label="Complete Form Control" 4 helperText="Helper text for additional information" 5/> 6
By including these elements, developers can create intuitive and user-friendly forms, leading to a better overall experience for the user.
Security is paramount when allowing users to enter and edit text, especially in fields that handle sensitive information like passwords. Material UI's TextField component can be configured to obscure entered text in password fields, and developers can implement additional security measures such as input validation and sanitization to protect against common security threats:
1<TextField 2 id="secure-textfield" 3 label="Password" 4 type="password" 5 autoComplete="current-password" 6 helperText="Enter a strong password" 7/> 8
This configuration for a password field ensures that the text entered by the user is not visible, and the autoComplete attribute helps prevent the browser from storing the password, enhancing security.
In Material UI, the defaultValue prop sets an initial value for uncontrolled TextFields. This prop is useful for pre-populating fields with suggested or previously entered data, providing users with a starting point or context for their input:
1<TextField 2 id="default-prop-textfield" 3 label="Default Value" 4 defaultValue="Pre-filled text" 5/> 6
Using the defaultValue prop simplifies setting initial values, especially in forms that do not require tight control over the input values.
Material UI's TextField component offers extensive customization options to match your application's branding and design requirements. Through the use of custom themes, CSS overrides, and the sx prop for inline styles, developers can tailor the look of TextFields to align with their brand's visual identity:
1<TextField 2 id="custom-appearance-textfield" 3 label="Custom Style" 4 sx={{ borderColor: 'primary.main', color: 'secondary.main' }} 5 variant="outlined" 6/> 7
Customizing the appearance of TextFields ensures a consistent and professional UI that resonates with the brand's aesthetic.
Material UI plays a crucial role in structuring forms for efficient user input. By providing a consistent set of rules and behaviors for form elements, MUI helps create a predictable and intuitive form experience. The framework's components are designed to work together seamlessly, making it easier for developers to build aesthetically pleasing and functionally efficient forms.
To use the TextField component in your React project, import it from the Material UI library first. The import statement is straightforward and follows the ES6 module syntax:
1import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; 2
This statement brings the TextField component into the scope of your file, allowing you to use it within your React components.
The export default statement is commonly used in React to export a single class or function component from a file. This pattern is handy when the file contains only one main component that needs to be used in other parts of the application:
1export default function App() { 2 // Component logic and JSX 3} 4
Using export default makes it clear which component is the primary export of the file, simplifying the import process in other files.
Developers can create a custom TextField wrapper component for specific use cases requiring additional functionality or styling. This wrapper can include additional logic, styles, or props that are tailored to the application's needs:
1function CustomTextField(props) { 2 return ( 3 <TextField 4 {...props} 5 // Custom logic or additional props 6 /> 7 ); 8} 9 10export default CustomTextField; 11
Creating a custom wrapper component allows for greater reusability and encapsulation of specific behaviors or styles associated with TextFields.
The input prop in Material UI's TextField component allows developers to pass a custom input element, such as a React component that wraps an input HTML element. This is useful when you need to alter the default input behavior or when integrating with third-party libraries that provide their own input components:
1<TextField 2 id="custom-input-prop-textfield" 3 label="Custom Input" 4 input={<CustomInput />} 5/> 6
By using the input prop, developers can extend the functionality of the TextField component to meet specific application requirements.
The label prop in Material UI's TextField component defines the label's content associated with the input field. This label provides context for the user and is essential for accessibility:
1<TextField 2 id="label-prop-textfield" 3 label="Name" 4 helperText="Enter your full name" 5/> 6
The label is displayed above the TextField and moves to a floating position when the field is focused, maintaining a clean and organized UI.
Helper text is an essential feature of Material UI's TextField component, providing users with additional context or guidance related to the expected input.
1<TextField 2 id="helper-text-textfield" 3 label="Email Address" 4 helperText="Enter a valid email address." 5/> 6
This TextField includes helper text that appears below the input field, offering clear instructions to the user and improving the overall usability of the form.
Handling the error state in TextFields is crucial for validating users' feedback. Material UI's TextField component uses the error prop to signify an error state, changing the appearance of the TextField to draw attention to issues that need to be addressed:
1<TextField 2 error={hasValidationError} 3 id="error-feedback-textfield" 4 label="Phone Number" 5 helperText={hasValidationError ? "Invalid phone number format." : "Enter your phone number."} 6/> 7
When the error prop is set to true, the TextField's label and underline (or border in the case of the outlined variant) will typically appear in red, signaling an error to the user.
Using the full width option for TextFields can be particularly effective in forms and dialogs where maximizing the use of space is important. The fullWidth prop allows the TextField to take up the entire width of its container, making it easier for users to enter information, especially on mobile devices:
1<TextField 2 fullWidth 3 id="full-width-textfield" 4 label="Comments" 5 helperText="Feel free to write as much as you need." 6/> 7
This TextField will stretch to the edges of its container, providing a larger area for users to enter text and creating a more visually appealing layout.
The multiline prop transforms a standard TextField into a textarea-like component, suitable for entering longer blocks of text. By setting this prop to true, the TextField allows for multiple lines of input, which can be further customized with the rows and rowsMax props to control its size:
1<TextField 2 multiline 3 rows={4} 4 rowsMax={6} 5 id="multiline-textarea-textfield" 6 label="Description" 7 helperText="Provide a detailed description." 8/> 9
This configuration creates a TextField that can accommodate and display several lines of text, similar to a traditional HTML textarea.
The input element within a TextField is the core component that captures text the user enters. Material UI provides a range of props to customize the behavior and appearance of the input element, ensuring that it can be tailored to the specific needs of the application:
1<TextField 2 id="input-element-textfield" 3 label="Input Element" 4 inputProps={{ maxLength: 10 }} 5 helperText="Maximum of 10 characters." 6/> 7
In this example, the inputProps prop restricts the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the TextField.
Creating a TextField that allows users to enter and edit text is a fundamental requirement for most forms. Material UI's TextField component provides a straightforward way to implement this functionality, with props to manage the state and handle changes to the input:
1const [text, setText] = React.useState(''); 2 3const handleTextChange = (event) => { 4 setText(; 5}; 6 7<TextField 8 id="editable-textfield" 9 label="Editable Text" 10 value={text} 11 onChange={handleTextChange} 12 helperText="Edit the text as needed." 13/> 14
This TextField is a controlled component, with its value tied to the component's state, allowing users to enter and edit text freely.
There are situations where it may be necessary to prevent user interaction with a TextField. The disabled prop is used to disable the TextField, rendering it inactive and unresponsive to user input:
1<TextField 2 disabled 3 id="disabled-textfield" 4 label="Disabled Field" 5 defaultValue="This field is disabled." 6 helperText="You cannot edit this text." 7/> 8
A disabled TextField is visually distinct, typically displayed in a lighter color, indicating to users that it is not currently available for interaction.
The error prop is a key feature for indicating problems with user input in Material UI's TextField component. When validation logic determines that the input is incorrect, setting the error prop to true changes the TextField's appearance to signal an issue:
1<TextField 2 error={hasInputError} 3 id="error-prop-textfield" 4 label="Error" 5 helperText={hasInputError ? "Error: Please correct the input." : "Enter your data."} 6/> 7
This TextField will display an error state when hasInputError is true, providing immediate feedback to the user that their input needs to be corrected.
The size prop in Material UI's TextField component controls the vertical spacing and overall size of the TextField. By setting this prop to either 'small' or 'medium', developers can adjust the TextField better to fit the form's design and the available space:
1<TextField 2 size="small" 3 id="size-prop-textfield" 4 label="Small Size" 5 helperText="Less vertical spacing with a compact appearance." 6/> 7
A smaller TextField size is handy in dense UI layouts or when the form contains many fields and space is at a premium.
The margin prop provides control over the spacing around the TextField component. Developers can choose from 'none', 'dense', or 'normal' to adjust the margin according to the design requirements of the form:
1<TextField 2 margin="dense" 3 id="margin-prop-textfield" 4 label="Dense Margin" 5 helperText="Reduced space around the TextField." 6/> 7
Adjusting the margin can help create a more compact form or provide additional space for clarity and ease of use.
Material UI's TextField component can be transformed into a dropdown menu using the select prop. This prop, combined with the MenuItem component, allows developers to create a list of selectable options within the TextField:
1import MenuItem from '@mui/material/MenuItem'; 2 3<TextField 4 select 5 id="select-dropdown-textfield" 6 label="Select Option" 7 helperText="Choose from the dropdown menu" 8> 9 <MenuItem value="option1">Option 1</MenuItem> 10 <MenuItem value="option2">Option 2</MenuItem> 11 <MenuItem value="option3">Option 3</MenuItem> 12</TextField> 13
This configuration provides a user-friendly way to present options in a compact form control.
A complete form control in Material UI includes the label, input, and helper text, each serving a specific purpose to guide the user through data entry:
1<TextField 2 id="complete-form-control-textfield" 3 label="Full Name" 4 helperText="Enter your first and last name." 5/> 6
The label clearly indicates what information is required, the input is where the user types their data, and the helper text offers additional instructions or feedback, creating a cohesive and user-friendly form control.
Material UI's TextField component is essential for developers building interactive and accessible forms in React applications. With its comprehensive set of props and customization options, TextFields can be tailored to meet various design and functionality requirements. The framework's focus on user experience and accessibility ensures that forms are visually appealing and usable by a diverse audience.
By leveraging the power of Material UI's TextField component, developers can create efficient, intuitive, and inclusive forms, enhancing the overall user experience and contributing to the success of their applications. Whether it's through implementing basic text inputs, password fields, or complex form controls, Material UI provides the building blocks necessary to construct robust and responsive forms in the modern web landscape.
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