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Last updated on Apr 2, 2024
Welcome to this detailed guide, where we will explore a core concept in widget testing in Flutter: the PumpAndSettle method.
Whether you are developing a basic to-do app or designing a more complex project, understanding the PumpAndSettle method is crucial for achieving a robust test environment and ensuring your widgets display information and respond to user interactions in the expected manner.
Flutter's PumpAndSettle method plays a critical role in testing widgets. This method effectively drives animations in the test environment, waiting for all frames to be processed and executing them. It is primarily used when you expect a series of frames, such as during a user interaction or when an animation is played. This method should be invoked in the await tester function for the desired effect.
A basic understanding of the PumpAndSettle method revolves around its definition as shown in the official Flutter documentation:
1@override 2Future<int> pumpAndSettle([ 3 Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 100), 4 EnginePhase phase = EnginePhase.sendSemanticsUpdate, 5 Duration timeout = const Duration(minutes: 10), 6]) { 7 assert(duration >; 8 assert(timeout >; 9}
From this code snippet, it is clear that pumpAndSettle is a method that returns a Future<int>
and accepts three optional parameters: duration, phase, and timeout.
It continually invokes the pump method with a given duration until no more scheduled frames exist. Consequently, it ensures all animations are complete. At least one pump will always flush any pending microtasks, which may schedule a frame.
What if the method takes longer than the timeout provided to settle?
The test will fail, and the PumpAndSettle method will throw an exception. This scenario is often encountered when an infinite animation is in progress, for instance, when an indeterminate progress indicator is spinning.
Generally, it's considered a better practice to figure out why each frame is necessary and invoke the exact number of required frames. Such an approach can help catch regressions. For example, it becomes more noticeable if an animation starts one frame later than it should.
Now that we have a basic understanding of the PumpAndSettle method, let's dive deeper to more precisely understand its functionality in the context of a Flutter app.
In Flutter, each animation frame corresponds to your app's visual update. Therefore, when performing a widget test, you simulate these frames to ensure your app behaves as expected. The PumpAndSettle method is instrumental in this regard.
Consider a scenario where a user interacts with a widget that causes an animation—like a swipe-to-dispatch action in a to-do app. Here, every movement caused by the animation is represented by different frames, each needing to be tested to ensure the dismiss animation operates correctly.
There are instances where you'll want to invoke each frame individually, allowing for more granular testing using the pump method. However, in many cases, particularly when you're less concerned with the individual frames and more with the final state of the animation, the PumpAndSettle method becomes incredibly useful.
By effectively waiting for all the animation frames to run, you can test the state of your app once the animation ends.
Let's illustrate this with an example:
1await tester.pumpWidget(const MaterialApp(home: const MyWidget())); 2await tester.pumpAndSettle();
In this example, the PumpAndSettle method takes a Duration as its argument: the period between frames. It continuously pumps frames into the widget tree, pausing between each according to the duration until no frames are scheduled. The method will pump at least once to ensure any pending microtasks, which might schedule frames, are processed.
The widget tree, a core concept in Flutter, represents a hierarchical structure of the widgets in Flutter applications. This tree becomes a playground for testing widgets, primarily due to the PumpAndSettle method.
During a widget test, your app undergoes several transformations represented by differing states of your widget tree. For instance, a user interaction, such as entering text in a text field or performing a swipe to dismiss action, causes changes to the widget tree.
In a simple todo app, assume a scenario where a user enters text (say, 'Buy groceries') into a text field on the screen and presses a button to add this task to a list. This interaction causes the widget tree to update by adding a new list item to the underlying data structure and displaying it on the screen.
Here's where PumpAndSettle shines, allowing you to wait until no more frames are scheduled, ensuring the relevant widget updates are complete. By invoking pumpAndSettle(), you effectively instruct the test framework to build and render these frames until no more frames are needed, i.e., until the widget tree has stabilized.
1await tester.enterText(find.byType(TextField), 'Buy groceries'); 2await tester.tap(find.byType(FloatingActionButton)); 3await tester.pumpAndSettle(); 4// Check that the 'Buy groceries' todo item appears on the screen. 5expect(find.text('Buy groceries'), findsOneWidget);
In the code snippet above, after performing the user interactions (entering text and pressing a button), we invoke pumpAndSettle(). This method ensures all the widget updates from adding the 'Buy groceries' list item are complete before performing the check in the expect clause.
Since we have understood how Flutter PumpAndSettle works with the widget tree, let's handle one of the most common issues developers encounter—the "Flutter PumpAndSettle timed out" error.
This error may occur due to an infinite animation in progress, such as an indeterminate progress indicator spinning. The PumpAndSettle waits for all animations to complete. If an animation is infinite, PumpAndSettle will keep waiting, not settling, and finally throw the "PumpAndSettle timed out" error.
Let's look at potential measures to handle this:
Avoid Infinite Animations during Testing: When writing tests, it's desirable to bypass or mock out indeterminate animations since they can't be completed, and PumpAndSettle will wait indefinitely.
Set a Reasonable Duration for Your Tests: When PumpAndSettle is called with no arguments, it uses a default duration of ten minutes. However, in practice, it's rare for a UI animation to last this long—ensure the duration you set is more reasonable to your specific tests.
Please note, that handling this timeout exception effectively can lead to more stable and reliable widget testing.
Frames are crucial to the animation process in Flutter. When the Flutter PumpAndSettle method executes, it waits until "exactly as many frames" are required for the animation to complete.
This methodology is significant, mainly when performing widget testing. Each frame represents a visual change or update in your application. Using the pumpAndSettle method, you ensure that your application considers all these frames before reaching a settled state.
Consider the ToDo app example we discussed previously. When a user performs the swipe to dismiss action on a todo item, the deletion is often accompanied by a dismissal animation – a visible indication that an item is being removed.
A set of frames represents this animation. By calling pumpAndSettle, you can 'wait' till all the frames (i.e., the entire dismissal animation) have been executed before the test moves to the next line of code. This allows the test to accurately assert the results, i.e., the to-do item no longer appears on the screen once the dismiss animation ends.
Thus, the 'exactly as many frames' rendered by the PumpAndSettle method can significantly affect the outcome of your widget tests, ensuring they capture the complete sequence of visual updates.
In widget testing, an essential component is the WidgetTester instance, commonly referred to as a tester. This object allows you to build widgets and interact with them within a test environment. It also provides several key methods, including pump, pumpAndSettle, and enterText.
As we've understood, the PumpAndSettle method waits until no more frames are scheduled in the Flutter engine, ensuring all animations are complete. This method is beneficial when testing a sequence of user interactions or animations. However, this is a future operation, and it requires time. Hence, we must call pumpAndSettle with the await keyword:
1await tester.pumpAndSettle();
The await keyword pauses code execution until the Future completes, after which it proceeds. Therefore, using await tester.pumpAndSettle() allows the completion of every frame associated with the widget or set of animations being tested, ensuring all the necessary widgets have been built and rendered before proceeding to the next line of test code.
Knowing how to use the PumpAndSettle method effectively can greatly improve the quality of your widget tests and ensure they represent the actual behaviors of your Flutter application. Here are several best practices to embrace:
Understand Frame Schedules: Make an effort to understand why each frame is scheduled. This understanding can help eliminate unnecessary frames, and make your tests leaner and more efficient.
Constraints: Be mindful of PumpAndSettle's constraints. It doesn’t work well with infinite animations or tests exceeding reasonable time limits, leading to a timeout error.
Explicit Testing: Sometimes, it's better to test frame by frame using the pump function, especially if your widget's behavior depends on certain animation durations or stages.
Avoid Unnecessary Dependance: Don't over-rely on the PumpAndSettle method. While it’s great for flushing animations and testing the UI after these have ended, using it unnecessarily can make your tests flaky and slow.
As with any testing tool, it's easy to fall into traps and make mistakes when using PumpAndSettle in widget testing. Here are a few common pitfalls to watch out for:
Overuse of PumpAndSettle: Though useful, sometimes developers rely too heavily on PumpAndSettle. This approach can lead to slower tests as the method waits for all animations to complete. Wherever possible, consider using the pump method to test individual frames.
Use With Infinite Animations: PumpAndSettle should not be used with infinite animations, as it will wait indefinitely for the animation to complete, leading to a timeout error.
Ignoring Frame Reasons: Understanding why each frame is scheduled is a good practice. Ignoring this can prevent you from optimizing your tests and understanding your animations.
Neglecting Await: Please use the await keyword before calling tester.pumpAndSettle() can lead to tests that execute differently than expected since they might proceed before all needed frames are processed.
Timeout Settings: Using the default ten-minute timeout when not required can slow down your tests and make them inefficient. Always set a timeout according to your requirements.
Identifying and avoiding these common mistakes will help you build more effective widget tests using the Flutter PumpAndSettle method.
In summary, the PumpAndSettle method in Flutter is a powerful tool for reliable and efficient widget testing. Understanding its functions, strengths, and pitfalls can significantly enhance the quality of your tests and resultant software. As with any technique, it requires careful and informed usage to unlock its full potential. With this knowledge, you can effectively handle widget testing in your Flutter applications.
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