Design Converter
Software Development Executive - II
Last updated on Aug 5, 2024
Last updated on Jun 24, 2024
As developers, we often use design patterns to solve recurring issues in software development. Among them, the Swift Delegate Design Pattern is frequently used in iOS app building. It aims to implement a one-to-one communication blueprint between objects. This pattern uses protocols and delegates to provide a simple and effective solution for notifying a class (the delegate) about the events happening in another class (the delegating object).
Utilizing the Swift delegate design pattern allows for a decoupled way to assign specific tasks to different software components, promoting software robustness and making code more readable and maintainable.
Core purposes of delegates include:
• Delegating responsibilities from one object to another.
• Enabling multiple classes to share information.
This is achieved by defining a protocol, which contains the methods related to a particular task, possibly driven by user actions. For example, a table view communicates with its delegate via methods defined in the UITableViewDelegate protocol, inviting it to perform tasks such as providing cell data or handling cell selection.
One reason we use the Swift Delegate Design Pattern is to separate concerns and create loose coupling in our code. Loose coupling is a desirable characteristic in software development as it allows easier modification, changes, and testing of classes.
In the Swift Delegate Design Pattern, two main components are the delegate and the delegating object. The delegating object holds a reference to the delegate through weak var delegate property. This creates a bond between two classes, where the delegating object can call delegate methods to delegate tasks.
The delegate protocol defines the blueprint of methods to be implemented by the delegate. If the delegate agrees to conform to this protocol, it promises to implement these methods (private func, override func viewdidload), allowing the delegating object to communicate with it. For example, in a view controller, buttons and table view cells employ delegate protocols to handle user interaction events.
Let's take a simple example. When you are working with table cells, every cell's interaction is managed by the table view. But what if we want a specific action when a user clicks on a cell? For this, UITableViewDelegate protocol offers tableView(_:didSelectRowAt:) which is called whenever a user taps on a cell. We can now write code in this delegate method to perform our desired action.
Suppose we have a manager class that listens to notifications from an employee class.
1class Employee { 2 weak var delegate: ManagerDelegate? 3 func taskCompleted() { 4 print("Task Completed") 5 delegate?.taskCompleted() 6 } 7} 8 9protocol ManagerDelegate: AnyObject { 10 func taskCompleted() 11} 12 13class Manager: ManagerDelegate { 14 func taskCompleted() { 15 print("Task Completed by Employee") 16 } 17}
In the above code, the Manager class becomes a delegate to the Employee class, listening and reacting to task completion events. By setting a delegate, the Employee class can communicate indirectly with the Manager class.
To summarize, Swift Delegate Design Pattern allows one object to act on behalf of, or in coordination with, another object, through the means of protocols and delegation. Its effective use is crucial to writing more modular and manageable code.
The delegate pattern is among the most common patterns used in iOS development. This pattern is based on the principle of composition over inheritance. It allows an object, usually of a general type like UIViewController, to delegate tasks to another object, often a custom class.
A delegate protocol, in essence, is a list of methods that one object wants another object to execute. For example, UITableViewDelegate and UITextFieldDelegate are well-known examples of delegate protocols in iOS SDK that have methods related to user interactions.
To use the delegate pattern, the first step is to define a delegate protocol. This should include the tasks or responsibilities that need to be delegated. Let's consider a simple example of a protocol declaration in Swift:
1protocol TaskDelegate: AnyObject { 2func taskDidStart() 3func taskDidComplete() 4}
The delegate protocol in this case is TaskDelegate, and it declares two methods, taskDidStart and taskDidComplete. Remember, when defining delegate protocols, it's common practice to make the protocol conform to AnyObject, allowing you to use weak var delegate to avoid strong reference cycles.
Once the delegate protocol is defined, the delegating object can create a delegate property:
1weak var delegate: TaskDelegate?
This delegate property is key to the delegate pattern. By default, this property is nil; as such, you need to set an object that conforms to TaskDelegate as the delegate. Now, the delegating object will be able to call the delegate methods in response to certain events, enabling interaction between objects in a decoupled way.
Now that we have a good understanding of the Swift delegate design pattern let's see how to implement it in code. Here's an example illustrating its application:
Let’s say we are creating a class to download data from a URL. It should inform other classes when the download is complete. We delegate this communication to a delegate object.
The first thing we ought to do is create a delegate protocol.
1protocol DataDownloaderDelegate: AnyObject { 2 func didFinishDownloading(_ data: String) 3}
Next, the DataDownloader class needs a delegate property of DataDownloaderDelegate type.
1class DataDownloader { 2 weak var delegate: DataDownloaderDelegate? 3 ... 4}
Upon the completion of the downloading process, the DataDownloader class will call the didFinishDownloading method on its delegate property.
1class DataDownloader { 2 weak var delegate: DataDownloaderDelegate? 3 func downloadData() { 4 // Once download is complete 5 delegate?.didFinishDownloading(“Download Complete”) 6 } 7}
Let's consider an ViewController class that uses DataDownloader.
1class ViewController { 2 let downloader = DataDownloader() 3 override func viewDidLoad() { 4 super.viewDidLoad() 5 downloader.delegate = self 6 downloader.downloadData() 7 } 8}
We conform ViewController to the DataDownloaderDelegate protocol and implement the didFinishDownloading method.
1extension ViewController: DataDownloaderDelegate { 2 func didFinishDownloading(_ data: String) { 3 print("Data downloaded: \(data)") 4 } 5} 6
In the above code, ViewController is the delegate for DataDownloader. When DataDownloader finishes its download, it informs ViewController by calling the didFinishDownloading method.
In this way, we can separate concerns, making the classes less dependent on each other. One class performs a task; another class responds to the completion of the task.
Overriding viewDidLoad is often essential in iOS development. In the context of delegation, we generally set the delegate within the override func viewDidLoad method.
1override func viewDidLoad() { 2 super.viewDidLoad() 3 downloader.delegate = self 4 downloader.downloadData() 5}
In this code, we set the downloader's delegate to self in the ViewController's viewDidLoad method.
When creating a custom delegate, it's crucial to declare the delegate property as weak var delegate. The purpose is to prevent a strong reference cycle which could lead to memory leaks.
A weak var delegate reference does not increase the reference count of the delegate object and it allows the referenced object to be deallocated when there are no more strong references to it.
Remember that weak var can only be applied to class types and optional variables.
The power and elegance of the delegation pattern stem from its ability to decouple the classes and spread responsibilities among different objects. Even though Swift provides alternatives like closures and notifications, delegation is still a prevalent design pattern, often seen in many of Apple's frameworks and suggested in iOS development.
One of the most common examples of a delegate in use is UITableViewDelegate. It enables us to customize the behavior of our table view to meet our particular requirements. The UITableView class doesn't need to know how many rows it should have or what should be displayed in its cells, it delegates these tasks to another instance through methods in the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols.
1func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { 2 print("You selected cell #\(indexPath.row)!") 3} 4
The delegation pattern, however, is not limited to table view or view controller. You'll see them used everywhere in iOS apps from handling text field events (UITextFieldDelegate) to responding to user interactions in a web view (WKNavigationDelegate).
The delegate pattern provides a robust and straightforward way to pass data between objects, but it's not the only way. Other patterns like observer pattern, target-action, and callback blocks also serve similar purposes. It is always beneficial to look at other patterns and decide the one that suits your needs the best.
Despite a slight learning curve, developers often prefer delegation over other patterns thanks to its ability to provide clear and explicit communication between objects. It helps to simplify code, separate concerns, and allow easy adjustments and testing. The key to the delegation pattern's success is its simplicity and maintainability, making it a preferred choice in most iOS applications.
The Swift Delegate Pattern is a valuable tool to have in your toolbox but to get the most from it, you should adhere to some best practices.
A protocol establishes a set of methods, attributes, and other requirements for a certain activity or piece of functionality. Create delegate protocols to define what methods the delegate should implement.
Remember to use weak var delegate to avoid strong reference cycles when setting up delegation. It prevents the creation of strong circular references that could lead to objects not being deallocated from memory, causing memory leaks.
By default, all protocol methods are required. However, using optional methods makes your protocol more flexible and easier to adopt.
To make protocol methods optional, you will define your protocol as an @objc protocol and prefix each optional method with the @objc keyword.
1@objc protocol MyDelegate: AnyObject { 2 @objc optional func optionalMethod() 3 func requiredMethod() 4}
In your deinit method, set the delegate property to nil to clear any remaining references.
1deinit { 2 delegate = nil 3}
By keeping these best practices in mind when using the Swift Delegate Design Pattern, you can create more flexible, reusable, and maintainable code in your iOS applications.
In Swift, the Delegate Design Pattern champions the idea of composition over inheritance. It's a core pattern in iOS development bestowed with the responsibility of class communication, especially in situations where an instance needs to communicate back to its originating part.
Remember, delegation isn't about classes acting on behalf of others, but rather delegation enables objects to communicate back to their origin through a predefined channel (delegate), using predefined instructions (delegate methods).
In a nutshell, understanding and using the Swift Delegate Design Pattern effectively can significantly improve the quality of your code by separating concerns and increasing flexibility. It’s all about choosing the appropriate tools for the task at hand and using them correctly. And with delegates, Swift developers have a very handy tool indeed.
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