Launch week


We've wrapped up an exciting week of feature releases, resources, programs and more.

August 22 - 28, 2022
AUGUST 22, 2022

Auto-identification of Components V2.0 & Figma Refresh

Loved how DhiWise detected the components automatically from your Figma designs? Then you’ll be delighted with the Day 1 launch. Now, DhiWise has increased its range of support for the auto-identification of numerous components and icons that will give better code readability. Not only this, see how the newest addition of the “Figma refresh” feature can be a boon for you. Goodbye to the to and fros!

August 23, 2022

Smart Editor by DhiWise

Day 2 is about how you can take your designs to the next level using DhiWise. With the help of Smart Editor, you can modify the UI components smartly as and when required. There are also features like real-time rendering, grouping & regrouping, deletion of components, and much more!

New releases
Smart Editor

Smart Editor gives the right and hands-on creative space to a developer to build the app they desire without continuously going back to Figma for design modifications.

August 24, 2022

React and Flutter builder with enhanced features

Say hello to the brand new version of our React and Flutter builders! Building React and Flutter apps is much more effortless and that too built in just a couple of minutes using DhiWise. Get hands-on with features like Navigation, API integration, Firebase and Supabase integration, Authentication, and more.

New releases
Powered Builders

Build Flutter and React apps with enhanced builders by integrating multiple functionalities and getting your application's code straight to your IDEs in minutes. Explore them now and start building your amazing apps.

August 25, 2022

Comprehensive Library of Templates and Screens, Figma Plugin V2.0

Do not have the designs ready to start off with DhiWise? Watch your breath as we have unveil our massive ready-to-use library of screens and templates. Along with this, day 4 also brings the new version of our Figma Plugin that helps the developers reduce the go-to-market time of any features or product to 30% of the actual time.

August 26, 2022

Improvements in Code Quality, Preview version of Reusable Components

Actions speak louder than words and because we’ve always advocated our features, now you'll get a walkthrough of our code quality in depth. DhiWise-generated code has taken your breath away, isn't?! We have also launched a preview version of Reusable Components. Check our blog to know what they are and how you’d benefit from them!

August 27, 2022

Theme Customization, Live and Shareable Preview, Deployment on Vercel in just a few clicks

By the time you’ll get accustomed to our Smart Editor, DhiWise now has features as simple as customizing your theme across the App, sharing live preview links with stakeholders and deploying React Apps on Vercel.

August 28, 2022

DhiWise Exclusive programs along with DhiWise University & 30 days 30 Use Cases

They say to keep the best for the last. So we have lovingly call Day 7 a “Community Day”, as it is basically for all the developers, DhiWise users and well-wishers, and our service partners, there’s something for everyone. Over the last few months, we’d gotten multiple requests to share video tutorials to get around DhiWise. So now you can get access to DhiWise University too. And we may call it the end of the launch week on day 7 but it is followed by a launch month. 30 days of 30 Case Cases. Follow #30Days30UseCases on socials to know more!